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Rebecca , 50 y.o.
Ipswich, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
hello friend iwould like to communicating with u as ur pal friendship by exchanges email and snail hope to hear from u soon
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2014
!!not bad for à 39year old woman l love your smile and your haïr and your eyes and your skins you are very charming very bright like à star ;))
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2014
How are you doing and your be-lovely family all coming on now? i am WILLIAM looking for the most wonderful, kind, compassionate, romantic, smart, sensible, intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, thoughtful, congenial, affectionate, appreciative, loyal, caring, loving, passionate, Pretty,Beautiful and an incredibly sexy woman like you us my friend,Light can be defined without sun. Sweetness can be defined without honey. Fragrance can be defined without a rose, but beauty cannot be defined without you.Hope to read from you soon
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2014
Hello Miss..
I joined here to improve my English, but I think we always have something to learn and also to teach. I'm looking for lasting friendships...
i find you more nice and cute , please tell me more about you.
waiting for your reply..
Mr H.Houari
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2014
Hi Rebecca! I sent you a message some days ago I think you haven't received it, I'm new in InterPals and maybe I didn't do it correcty.
In common, apart from the age, it is enjoying family time. I love being with my children and my husband, all together. As you say, life is too short to be wasted being angry or not enjoying what you are doing.
Well, thank you for replying to me and feel free to correct my mistakes.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2014
Hi Rebecca! My name's Esther and I would like to practice my English with you, I think that we have some things in common.
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