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MaryRuth, 69 y.o.
Amarillo, United States [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Postal pen pals


Some college

Relationship status


Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
inactive user
50cent is an American rapper.
Was an American rapper
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2018
Yes it is , and yours?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2018
Same here. Are you on Facebook or hangouts? Hows your day going?
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2018
Thank you lots
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2018
I need to rephrase something. At this time I am not ready to being intimate or married. I am just out of one relationship don't want to jump tight back into another.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2018
Hello Michaeal, I get lonely and it is nice to have someone to talk too. Even if it is over the internet. I'm not interested in being intimate or married. A close friend who will listen and I can support and share with them. NOW - You tell me about you.
inactive user
Hello Bnangelruthie's,

Good morning to you how's your night hope you did had a good night rest mind if I ask of know more about your Interest and your plans of been on this site?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2018
I have three grown children Two by birth one I adopted. The oldest Nicole, has two children one 19 in college, one going to graduate in May. Then a son who has one daughter. She is grown with children.
Hobbies I enjoy gardening, I make quilts, and paint porcelain china.
What kind of hobbies do you enjo
inactive user
OK thank you from my understanding during a previous view on your profile you spoke of your husband leaving you for someone else and also when I stare at your profile photo all I see is a smiling model photo this has made to ask myself why would leave such a goddess in human form some people do not value what they have not until they lose it from your smile and look if I will judge you you look gorgeously great I will like you to tell me more about yourself do you have children, what're you hubbies like?
inactive user
Sorry to hear about your face and please you don't need to work to hard in Garden as I will like to work with you some day to reduce and relieve you of such stress tell me are you currently in any relationship with anyone for now my reason for asking is that I hate to get involved into others relationship and be seen as an intruder
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