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Yang, 27 y.o.
Hangzhou, China [Current City]


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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
hi cara.....
i really like knowing chinese culture........... and having chinese friends...
first of all i want to say i'm not very good at speaking english but i think it's enough to talk with people...
i'm umani . 17 years old girl from sri lanka who loves to make friends all over the world.
i have started making friends all over world three years ago and i have rejected by sooo many people for this three years but i exactly don't know what's the mistake i maid . in my firends list there are many who don't even remember me. but amung all of them i have really good few friends and i'm happy to have them...
i'm a girl with shy but i always try to get rid of it. and get to know many more friends..
i'm also very interested in snail mails too i have few snail mail friends too.

Mmmmm...................... actually i don't know what to say ........
and before you reply to this can you pay a visit to my page and if you haven't any intersting . make sure to don't bother you by me.. and don't mind me.
i'm looking forward if you like to make me as your friend..
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2014
Thanks for visiting XD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2014
Hi i was skimming through your profile wow now i think im interested in your culture
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2014
Don't leave without a message!
inactive user
Thanks Cara! I like you too :3 You're a really cool person to talk to.
inactive user
hello from California =) i like your profile, and choice of TV shows ^_^
inactive user
Yes! I am Japanese! :)
inactive user
ikr !!!
he's like soo perfect !
inactive user
lol yeah kind of I mean that's the only meaning behind that pic :$ :)
inactive user
thanks :$ .. i guess .. :)
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