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Corrina, 30 y.o.
Banjarmasin, Indonesia [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
Happy birthday
inactive user
Really^^..hehehe i like Romance too, but i also like Comedy! know a English Tv Program called "Family guy" and "South park"?...

Nope, sorry i haven't heard of it before!..can you give me a brief summary of what it is about?

And ok!...i'll add you now~ you can accept me!:)
inactive user
Sorry for my late reply:)~hehe

anyway yeah! we always watch totaly different dramas! are you more into the comedy dramas/actions or Romance?

Ahh me too!..i will start July and we will start in September!

yeah i have Facebook!~do you?...if yes then i have made new facebook so you can message me your facebook link so i will add you^^xD
inactive user
ahh i have never watched it before~~i was watching this Korean movie called "jenny and Juhno"...the main Character is soo awesome and good looking haha~you should watch it!

anway yeahh totaly!~when is your schools vacation?
inactive user
Ohh cool!~interesting!..what was the drama name?

and my school is from Monday till Friday from 8:30am to 3:15pm -.p
inactive user
ahh right!~i see

woww but that is similar to my school! we have to come for 7-8 hours!~it sucks i know
what time do you start and finish school?
inactive user
really?..aww thats cool! talking about CNblue, have you watched heart string before?

Ahh right i see, you should check it out when you are free

I get bored because we get so much work and doing work is pretty boring! and most of my friends are on study leave but i have to come school, so that pretty sucks~hehe

and hahaha ikr!!
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2013
hi i'm ylenia
nice to meet you (:
inactive user
WOW high five* i like CNblue! Jung Yong-hwa is my favourite! he is a good singer plus soo good looking~haha
I have heard of gentleman dignity but i have never watched it before-.-
I started watching full house before but i got bored-.-

Anyway i like exo, SHINee, b.a.p, boyfriend, infinite and many more!#

I have watched to the beautiful you, i miss you, i love you, boys over flowers, operational proposal, the innocent man .,.have you heard them before?^^
inactive user
hehehe~yayay good!
I LOVE Korean dramas and kpop /high five!
who is your favorite k-pop bands?
And oo what dramas have you watched?
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