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Georgia, 28 y.o.
Lincoln, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 260.
inactive user
Yea,I saw the Season 3 and can't stop my love and worries about their future:(
Any couple you like?
inactive user
Hello:)I'm a fanfiction lover too~Do you like Sherlock?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2013
Hey !
Nice to meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2013
hello! nice to meet you (: haha me too! im planning to rewatch all the disney movies when im free at the end of the year (:
inactive user
Me neither, I'm just down in England for the month staying with my sister xD

And d'aw! Kitten's a cute nickname :P!

Omg, finally!! You're gonna go insane with the magic then x3
inactive user
Hey, I've been a little over-worked with studies haha. wbu? :D
inactive user
Omg! I must try this butterbeer >_>!!!
The world is kind to us with the food it brings, who cares bout gaining weight?! If its there for us to eat, we shall eat it >:3
inactive user
Well the year I'm in is the equivalent of it up here :P Haha, go you! B's are bad? B is for bitch and she's no exception ;) But at least you beat her at the Shakespeare essay :D!
Hahaha, omg. I feel like I've not seen Harry Potter in years but realistically it's been just a few months :o Wah!!!! I miss it !! :(
inactive user
Omg! :D
My weeks consisted of tests, essays and omg just such fun as you can see I'm easily impressed by even an english essay :'D note I'm being sarcastic...I've never been so bored and uninterested in school like this in a while :| But things can only get better...I hope :3!
But despite all that, I'm glad you've done productive things recently and enjoyed yourself! I loved the way your trying to keep your red nose on without it falling off, I was like "DON'T LET IT DIE!!!!!" D: Hahaha, that's a really awesome Harlem shake though ;P
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2013
No I think I'm starting at Lincoln in September. I should have started last year though, but ended up working instead! A lot of my friends go to your college though. What do you study? :)
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