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K_o_k_o, 27 y.o.


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 442.
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
You´re welcome :) And don´t worry about the letter, it´s OK :) I understand you, I have to send the letter for my friend from France but I´m still soo busy :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2012
Heyy, Koko! You had birthday! I´m a little bit late, but I wish you all the best and I hope that all of your dreams come true ^^
Love you ♥
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2012
Happy Birthday Gorgeous <3
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2012
He broke up with me because I was drunk and I cheated on him.. :/ I should've never drank that night. But I guess everything happens for a reason right?? Hes not missing out on anything. I told him I miss him and he said oh, I was like you don't miss me bro and hes like nah. Like really? Your gonna tell me that knowing I'm madley In love with you. All I did was ball my eyes out when he said that which was like 15 minutes ago. And I'm still balling my eyes out. I'll never find someone better because hes all I want and I need him =.
How do you ever get over a boy?
inactive user
i dont like being wrong! DX
hahaha okayyyy
well we used to be in the same class in leik 5th grade and then we met at this thingamyjigg and well..i guess we started likin eachother and stuffes :3 and then i told him and it got all awkward and then he..kissed me bahaha and yuhh weve been together since haha xxxxxx
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2012
I know:( About time you care..
I hope he finds out what hes missing. Its not even that hes missing anything. Theres so much more girls better then.
Beautiful? Correction. You meant to call me ugly right?
I'm such a mess :((
inactive user
im gooooood! wbu? x]
BAHAHAHA yes i dooo :3
inactive user
hello there stranger.. O;
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2012
You arent even sorry probably.
&Whats going on? I'm such a fail In life. The boy I fell In love with broke up with me, I've been crying all day.. I feel like I lost my world> And I dont know what to do anymore</:
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