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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 289.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2015
Your sheltie is sooo adorable!
inactive user
Wow take me with you! XD
Well if you ever need help with one of these languages,
I would be glad to help you. Specially Japanese I already
teach to many beginners and also advanced people. :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2015
thanks by passing by :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2015
Hello Maja/Maria Just passing by and sending greetings from Meksiko to Suomi :)
inactive user
Hi! Glad to find you here! You learn japanese and german, I could help you with both! And I just re-started learning finnish, but I know also a few words, yet. ^^;

Feel free to reply! (^^)v
inactive user
Haha I just have read so much about how low the crime is and how much they recycle, and it just looks really pretty :)
But no my grandma was Finnish so I have no real preference haha :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2013
shetlies are the best ^.^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2013
haha I noticed! :P

It's nie that you're in your own place and that you seem to like it! But if you don't have a job, how can you pay for the place? :o
Thank god you have your dog!
English teacher sounds like a good career choice! Go for it.

I got a new job actually since then. As a programmer, so it's still a boring office job, but... it's nice. :P
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2013
I almost forgot about this site! :P
I'm so late! I really should stop being so late! >.<

Are you still working at the airport? How did that go? Leaving all your friends and all! :o
My summer was intense. But right now I got a quiet office job. I'll see how that turns out.
How are you these days? ^^
inactive user
Why? Where do you work now?
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