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JiWon Lee, 30 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 93.
inactive user
How is life in Toronto going?
inactive user
Late happy birthday dear ^_^ hope you enjoyed your day!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2014
네 ㅎㅎ kakao나 라인해요?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2014
오랜만에 연락되니까 좋내요 ㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2014
요즘은 잘 지내나여?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2014
기회되면 놀러갈게요 ㅎㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2014
기회되면 놀러갈게요 ㅎㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2014
I was traveling there and I was attending a camp there just for 10 days. It's a short memory so I want to go back and have a great time there. I am learning English now and I want to learn Chinese and French. And if I have capability, I want to learn Spanish in addition. I learned piano and played it for almost 6 years but I can't play it well. I just don't know why I am that bad with instrument.
I was learning English in Chilliwack for a year! Yeah I am here for the study and now I am attending ESL class at Georgebrown Collge. Actually, it was my first day at school today!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2014
Hahaha wat kind of memoreis do u hvae from califonria were u there to study or like just travelling!

ahh wich four languages do u want to laern :O
do uplay any instrucments.

Ohhhh chilliwack is sooo far ahah its like wher ehope and stuff is! why did u live there :OOOO

thats so awesome haha. so are u in toronto for school now? u went to so many places!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2014
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