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Maeva, 27 y.o.
Sainte-Maxime, France [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree

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In a relationship

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
Of course.My name is Sirinphat Pisoot. You could call me Phat. Enchanté Maeva. What's your question ? Please let me know. :)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
Hi, how are you? it's been a while haha

Waow what a dreadful moment... You're very unlucky hope it won't befall to you anymore haha, but yoy made me laugh when you said you wanted to cut him alala sometimes girls can be very scary ;)

Wut..? poil pubien..? sorry i didn't follow you, it's weird ..

Yeah, it's up to you uh. But don't use 'pub' anymore for publicity haha, it will create a mix up in your conversations
Hmmm, everytime i go to a party there is always a guy who barfes and it's really disgusting (drink a lot to puke...)
yes they want but as usual 'school first and then you can do what yo want' >>school nerver ends so ...

Oh pretty nice, i wanted to prectice hip hop dance but i don't have enough spare time so.... sigh
(it seems you didn't finish your txt)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2015
Yes sure, don't worry :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
Hi don't worry, haha

Yeah I also have been undergone this kindda of problems haha. even if it's funny but it's also weird.... Anyway, it's awful what happened to you, I hope you're not harmed. and for sure, most of girls are scared of that...and yes this is the problem of websites...

It's okay, most of people here does the same problem with 'parking' and 'pub' it's often funny haha 'hey do you see the new pub with the car on the tv?'>> yeah weird :)
guess, i'm here to improve my skills as well so if you could help me ^^

Yeah law... very complicated. I don't know perhaps business school one day or idk for the moment. Thanks to believe in me, I believe in you too. Maybe one day, you will draw to me the best 'pub' of this world to me haha ;)
sometimes I do. but with the lessons and a Chinese family it's not always easy... I don't know about you but I don't have the chance to go to parties when I want..

That's great, here even grandmas are not always 'smiling' alala it's like 'the depressive sickness' here. everyone caught it haha
I think one day I should go there to see what it's a real city that embodies the colors of France. the sun, the beach, people's smiles alala such a dream even if there is the Eiffel tower :/

Okay I got it, Korean Korean koreaan everywhere. it's funny, in reality it's not as easy as you think.. I have Korean friends here and Korea. but I thin it's up to you, and if you really wanna manage so you can do it. do you plan to go there someday? I think I'll go there the following year or the next.. I shall go there one day anyway so i'm not worry hehe

sorry, I didn't have a lotta spare time... and every time I tried to start a message, I didn't finish it.. either way you was late too haha (just kidding uh)

If how are you doing and what's up?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2015
nice to meet you too ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2015
Hi :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2015
Haha, it's okay :)

Cuz, when a man try to talk with a girl in this site, they always think that this man is here to harass her. So, the more you're younger and the less you're a perve...yeah that logic..

Oh it sounds great. but now, what do you plan? (btw it's advertisement, not pub, a pub is a 'bar'. Unless you draw bars... lol) and it's draw, not drow :)

I'm studying law, it's a cool thing put dreadful as well. It takes a lotta time so sometimes it's hard to find some spare time...

Yeah sure, somehow is true. But Paris is not exactly that... everyone here wears black clothes and pulls a pace in the morning... In the bus, people are not pleasant, they are sitting and play candy crush if though people can not go into the bus...
Oh, you live in Nice? It sounds good there...either way, better than here I guess haha

I really don't understand why everyone here wants to learn Korean...seriously, it's pretty weird. They barely can speak English but they are looking forwards to learn this language. It good but people are not really realistic... Anyway, it good to have a strong will ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2015
Yeah not sure, here people sometime say i'm Japanese but I don't think they don't really care so....Yes I think..

I'm 18 for a while, but too lazy to change it. Plus if I say i'm 18 people in this site would say 'Oh you're a perv' -_-' (weird people)

Yes, tell me, what do you do and how is it :)

Red? No, here everyone wears black clothes, eat a lot of antidepressant. Yeah super the country of romanticism (y)

and what about you? full french? :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2015
Liao-Gang  17, Rueil-Malmaison, France

 Delete -  Reply -  Conversation - 0 seconds ago
Nop, according my photo I think i'm a Chinese haha :)

Waow, what is it exactly? tell me about it!

Fortunately, french don't do that uh, omg just imagine it hahaha omg
Don't worry, I speak french very well and yeah, I live here for a long time already
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