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Monika, 77 y.o.
Martinsburg, United States [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2016
hello Greetings from Sri lanka and welcome to Interpals. am Aruna doing jewellery work in sri lanka! How is ur family hope all are ok?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2014
Hi Monika. I was cruising through someones profile and saw your photo. First thought was someones stole my photo as I have some that look like that so I looked at your profile.Upon reading it I thought we could become good pals. If you would like a friend in Australia please read my profile and get back to me.Nerolie
inactive user
I like when windows are open as well, especially when it's raining or when it starts to rain soon, because the atmosphere is saturated with a specific smell of freshness. Thank you, Monika, you too have a great weekend!) I hope the storm would not be strong and let you enjoy warm days. )
inactive user
The weather here now is amazingly nice, cool breeze catch hot sunbeams and make the air as velvet.
I hope you have the same weather in Martinsburg now.
inactive user
It was a pleasure for me to have a talk with you, I was lucky yesterday to meet you! :)
inactive user
Love you too :-)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2014
Thank you, yes I need a miracle big times.
Hope u are well.
inactive user
Love you too!!!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2014
Hallo Monika, auch Dir einen schönen Sonntag. Den Namen der Handelsschule kenne ich. Ich habe nach meiner Schulzeit - Handelsschule in Mannheim - bei den Amerikanern gearbeitet. Warst Du schon mal wieder in Worms?
Gruß Gaby
inactive user
Just wanted to tell you that I love you!
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