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Liiy, 28 y.o.
Hoorn, Netherlands [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
inactive user
что то перепутал?
inactive user
ik nejk mij moeder
inactive user
inactive user
woooooooow do you really want to be my friend????)))))))))))to be honest, i never had a friend from another country before!!!))) it's so breathtaking!!!))) tell me about your country, is it cool???? i hope we'll meet each other in the future)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
inactive user
i sure we friends
inactive user
Я играю на здесь очень редко!
inactive user
I'm actually just a depeche who was sent to gift you my native vocabular.
inactive user
unseldomly means smth like seldomly but unseldomly. when you do smth unseldomly, you call it "unseldomly"))))))))))))
inactive user
I noticed you play on here very unseldomly!!!
inactive user
ik ga een jaar studeren in moscow
hoe leer jij Russisch? ik probeer van alles maar niets werkt :o
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