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Anna, 30 y.o.
Kraków, Poland [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Graduate degree



Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2017
Pierogi and drunk complaining people? My land is the same way :)
You should play Outlast! It's a dark side without cookies.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2016
ty for visit me , :))
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
inactive user
Yes! There are alot of them here in Georgia! I think the largest is Stone Mountain and thats a great place to visit and camp!
Oh noo plain road x0 im sure though it isn't that bad :P Thats a great dream and I hope it comes true for you! :D I sure can at least in my state for now! I surely recommend Stone Mountain as a must visit! I want to go to Yellow Stone Park; but thats cross country x0 one day i will, I want to see the wild wolves and bison!
inactive user
I love going outside, but it has perks when you have something to do xP I hate going out in the rain though, snow is good, rain nahh lol lol. Yes i do! I live not that far away from a state park and go often to hike the trails, from one point you can see the mountains! Its really cool in the fall :D Been? As in travel? Well, sadly no where outside of the US but I hope to soon! I wanna travel the world and see everything I can!
inactive user
Good to hear! Here? Hmm its good too! Finally stopped raining after a full week! LOL so im glad and hopefully get back to hiking or playing soccer when the ground firms up a bit ^^

Ohh I see ! ya I think my dog picture draws more people in than my plain boring average face, seems to work! xD
inactive user
Hello Hello! Greetings in return! ^^ Hows it going?

Thanks a ton for your awesome compliments, thanks a bunch for stopping by! :D
inactive user
Lol well I'm glad you got the joke i was worried there and in Spanish way funnier i think. I see very nice banished I haven't play it but I have heard of it I might try it. Tell me your best joke I wanna hear it lol. Sorry I deleted your last wall post by accident big fingers and on the phone lol
inactive user
Ohh god lol in feel like I'm on the spotlight haha well ita hard to choose the best game they are so many hmm well my fav games are civilization series,final fantasy series, gmod,legend of dragoons and saint row and best joke ahhhhh what the ultimate irony for a electrician? That his wife is call light and his daughters follow the current lol. I'm sorry the jk is in Spanish so it might not translate well to English lol how about you?
inactive user
Thanks for the reply well the first thing we have in common is that we both have hands and feet and the sky is above us lol jk ok sort about that the things I saw is the like of good jokes and second the love of video games
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