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StrangeThoughts, 39 y.o.
Atlanta, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 245.
inactive user
Clone is a portuguese word for the name of the soap opera. But it talks about this things, there are brothers that one is a clone of another. =]
inactive user
sorry the delay!
well i teach dance for a living while i don´t finish my college, i´m studying physiotherapy! in the end of this year i´ll travel for U.S.A with a circus for dance there...
inactive user
"O clone"
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2009
Shocked...yes, I guess. I cant say I expected him to die. I dont know him though so I didnt lose any sleep over it; ppl die every second.
inactive user
Yeah =]]
inactive user
yeah atlanta is pretty dangerous, i went walking downtown a couple years ago...yikes hehe
inactive user
With a soap opera here in Brazil and a classmate that already have did belly dance ;)
inactive user
ohhh don't even say that haha
did you know that the chances of you dying from a roller coaster are like 1/1000 of the chances of you dying from crossing the street? :] that one made me happy haha
but really i love the risky-ness
inactive user
well..i'm going back to colorado for a few days this week, and the day i get back, my friends and i are going to six flags!
i love a good roller coaster haha
i'm super duper excited :]
inactive user
random things rule =] ahah
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