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AURELIE, 43 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2012
True. You see, I am usually out for the whole day and even when I come home time is not enough for so much to do, lesson plan, my mom, name it. Also, we have 6 hr difference...But, have of these days!
You have a pleasant evening now.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2012
Ce que j'adore c'est sa prononciation, parce que je comprends tout qu'elle dit en Français. Mais, bien s^ur qu'elle a le don pour les drames.
inactive user
nice profile girl
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2012
On a la même actrice favori!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2012
No comment yet!!!! let's be the first to be here Mademoiselle:) wishes from India....
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