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CH, 36 y.o.
Kang-neung, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 204.
inactive user
oh how are u now??i hoe u get better soon =) , I was ill too TT , cuz of changing weather some times cold and some time so hot kk , i also hate hot weather so much kkk i prefer winter haha its cool kkk
inactive user
It's one of my favorite songs. The music video was amazing. :) <3
I know the chorus to the song by heart hehe.
Ah snow soon? I'm suppose to have snow today but we don't :O
inactive user
Park Bom is good too! Oh wow she and CL have good voices. I saw her video, “You and I” and it made me want to cry. So beautiful!
Oh how cold is it? :( The weather here has been terrible! It has been windy and cloudy and raining for the past two days! On Sunday is was sunny and cool but now today is Tuesday and since then we had rain and wind! We might have snow tomorrow.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2010
inactive user
wow its sound cool i love raining weather . you welcome kkk. no its also cold in egypt even we suppose in egypt to be in summer hahaha but it so cold in egypt i guess im going to caught acold i hope not hahah
inactive user
HAHA I’m sorry. xD
Okay who from 2NE1 do you like? :D
I admire CL And Minzy a lot. (^_^)
I love go away! Did you see the video? :D
inactive user
Do you? Hehehehe. How about Big Bang, 2NE1, SNSD, Infinite, B2ST/BEAST, MBLAQ? :D
inactive user
haha yeap but my spelling is not so good TT , really??my english is good thank u kk ,nono ur english is not bad i can understand u kkk , sure i can help with english =) i hope my english is right lol
inactive user
kk i see good luck with that .. is army is hard??i heared its hard from my friends?kk . auniverstey student i mean collage student im sorry for my bad english TT
inactive user
Yes xD
I listen to most of their songs.
How about SHINee? :D
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