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Iulia , 29 y.o.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
Many people say: Europeans are cold and proud, and that Americans find themselves masters of the universe. They say that russia is an uninhabited place, and that Asians are very closed and people who only know how to fight and eat fish. Also say that Brazilians are wicked, and that our women are free pieces of meat; They say that we are all wild and in Brazil, has only ignorant barbarians. Well we know that this is a pure lie, and that you can not judge the whole by small strata, and for us who are lovers of knowledge, we must first know and then drawing conclusions. So I say, welcome to Brazil, and humanity. Becouse: "Humanity is the only language that overcomes flags. Are welcome".
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2015
Hello my name is william......
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2014
ohhh or "Dance with the devil"
inactive user
i remember their song "so cold" being played on the television in the rock countdown
inactive user
Breaking Benjamin ahh good times
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2014
Paradise city? :>
inactive user
Ха, ну якщо ти відвідала мій профіль, я побував на твоєму. Ти дуже красива)
Na dann, wann warst du an meinen Profil, dann bin ich an deinem. Du bist wunderschön)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2014
hey supergirl, you have really a good taste for music :)
inactive user
glad to meet you :)
I read that youd from romania... very intersting country
I want to talk with you from Korea haha
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2014
Hi ))) greet from ! I'm Dakriss .Togolese young boy ...I'll be glad to meet you!!! (*_*) welcome on interpals world !!!
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