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Kaede, 26 y.o.
Munich, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
inactive user
I see you're from Munich. I've been there and I liked it very much!
By the way, I'm also interested in snail mail
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2014
We can not contact with interpal How can we send to message :) Do u have an idea :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2014
You're welcome :) I m barış and I am looking friend for exchange langiage I want to get a practice with everyone Would you like continue to conversation with me :)
inactive user
You're sho cuuuute n///n
inactive user
No problem
Thank you for writing on my wall x)
inactive user
heeyyy thank you too <3 du bist echt niedlich ^-^
inactive user
Thanks for your sweeet photo comment <3
You're more kawaii my lovely friend <3
inactive user
omg you're so cute! thanks!! (´∀`)
inactive user
are you native german?
inactive user
aww! you're welcome! and thank you for visiting mine (≧∇≦)/
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