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Mercidita , 62 y.o.
Bacoor, Philippines [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2015
im not a perfect person i make a lot of mistakes, but i really appreciate those people who stay with me after knowing how i really am
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2015
in looking for someone is true to his words not only good in uttering words meaning his actions speak louder than words someone who is honest faithful loving caring
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2014
relationship is not about the age not abouut the distance not about communicating every moment of every day what"s important is having trust and loyalty. the trus of a woman to her man and the loyalty of a man to his womam
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2014
sometimes i complaim too much and i forget to thank all the people who make me happy sometimes i forget to tell them how muchi appreciate them for being an important of my thank tou to all of you. just for being here for me,
Reply - Conversation - Jul 29, 2014
love is permenent attrarcition no matter how busy a person is if they really care they will always fing the time for you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2014
when we pray god hears more than we say answers more than we ask,gives more than we can imagine in his own time and his own way.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2014
Pls dont get mad at me in case i was not able to reply on your chat immediately. it so happen that there is problem on internet connection having poor signal of communication that why i cannot commnicate right away. i dont know how to lie because i am a sincere type of person, so dont get angry with me, anyway. i am very grateful for considering me as your good friend.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2014
why is prayer important prayer guiets our heart preyer clears our vision prayer activates our faith and prayer makes things happen!: pray, pray. pray god is listening god loves u
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