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Palmzc, 32 y.o.
Chanthaburi, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 121.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2016
Hi :) Nice to meet you !:) thank you for saying that
inactive user
Are you really buddhist!? That's pretty awesome!! :D :D
Luck you! It's cold here :( I need a hot water bottle :(
inactive user
What displays did they have there? I think displays change like monthly sooo :P
I will be going to te papa next monday! :)
inactive user
So it's the English five or the Thai 5 I have to pronounce?
Ah, cute! :D What did you take pics of mostly?
inactive user
Do you use numbers to replace any other words in Thai?
Hmm, not too much! :D What was the coolest thing you brought?
inactive user
Ah.. how much does this trip cost? Are you here with friends?
Haha, I know how to laugh already! Just do this 55555555555555555
inactive user
Ah wonderful :D Haha, being so far away from the closest countries helps mitigate any conflict or ill will from other places! But yeah, farms are common. I wish we had more though to make up for the lack of farms in other parts of the world.
What do you study?
inactive user
Aw boo! What do you think of NZ so far? :)
You went to quite a few good spots! How long were you in Welly for anyways?
Haha thats ok, gotta save cash :P
inactive user
How long are you here for? Well, I guess go visit the Te Papa museum, it has a lot of information on the Maori culture and NZ history! :) And Cuba st/Lambton Quay has many shops, I know girls love shopping :P
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2014
I already vote :)have a good day!
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