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Setareh, 27 y.o.
Munich, Germany [Current City]
Tehran, Iran [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Bachelor's degree


QA Specialist

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 107.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2021
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2017
Hello Setareh, thank you! Why are history books your least trusted genre? You say you love studying languages: Which is the most fun to study? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2017
Thank you! Your profile looks nice as well. I see you have Katatonia, Insomnium and Opeth in your top 10 at
I listen to those bands a lot as well :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2014
سلام yeah, I love languages. And I'm also learning Persian. Can you help me?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2014
Me too, it's really nice to get to know people from different countries :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2014
Hi! Nice to meet you too, you seem very friendly :D
inactive user
hahaha it really is tough when you're short! Hmm...i don't know how tall 165cm is, but I'm going to guess from what you said that he's pretty short :P That really is too bad women aren't allowed, but maybe soon women will be able to go to sports stadiums there!! :) that's awesome, italy did well!! :D
I know, politicians man, they're terrible!! Exactly, they're professionals when it comes to disagreements! hahaha I know, regular people are so much better, we get along better, no matter what part of the world we live in!! :D
inactive user
That's awesome!! :D haha we would do that same thing! I'm short too, so I know how you feel haha I'm not built like a volleyball player :P I still can't believe women aren't allowed to!! That's really too bad, it would be so fun to go!! :D haha oh yes, your studying!! :) Yeah I heard italy got the bronze, that's good too!! I like italy :)
That person on twitter is exactly right! Americans have no problems with iranians (well...most of us...) but our politicians can never find anything to agree with iran on, so all of us pay that price of being completely cut off from the people of iran
inactive user
I used to play volleyball in gym a lot when I was a freshman :D haha soccer is fun though, like a pickup soccer game :D oooo the rematch is in Tehran?!?! that's so awesome!! I wanna go! :) You can't go to that one either? :( That is really good considering that Iran was missing it's best player, and was new to the tournament!! :)
I loved that photo, I really did! It was so cool to see like a friendship between the teams was being formed even though our governments don't really see eye to eye. It was awesome to see the two captains in that picture :D
inactive user
I heard that we won it!! :D ooo the Volleyball world cup is gonna be soon?! That' so cool, maybe I'll be able to watch that on tv somewhere!! :) oooo an Iran vs. USA rematch!! ;D 4th place is still pretty good, I'm glad Iran did well!! :) haha that's awesome for the setter! :D
That's so cool that the USA and the Iran guys took a picture together and that Iran wanted to win bronze for us!! :) Iranians really are great people :D
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