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Tlobh, 37 y.o.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 124.
inactive user
beautiful hair ;)
inactive user
haha rightttt
inactive user
yes!!!!! ^___^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2012
Hi :D
inactive user
Oh I'm sorry I left without telling you >_<
Yes, I love all his movies! But I didn't see his latest Dark Shadows. Is it about Johnny Depp becoming a vampire? ^0^ I love his act so much!
inactive user
Oh yeah >_< well that's okay.
But I'll be going to bed soon^^
What's the time at your place?
inactive user
I'm fine thanks. And you?^^
inactive user
inactive user
Sure I still remember you, but you haven't answered my last wallpost so I was confused :/
inactive user
aaaah. sorry. wasn't here for ages and so didn't see your wallpost!
How are you? Something new?
Sorry again for late reply T.T
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