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Yanik, 34 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 231.
inactive user
Hello ^-^ of course you can ^-^
inactive user
psychologie :)
inactive user
Je suis une étudiante et j'étudie :P
inactive user
merci :)
enchante a toi aussi :)
inactive user
Je m'appelle Angela et vous?
Comment-allez vous?
inactive user
yup :)
excusez moi, je ne parle pas bien français ^^"
inactive user
haha de rien. :) C'est ne rien.
Et je suis desole, mon francais ne tres bien pas :P
inactive user
Bonjour et hello. haha ca va bien et toi? And certainly :)
inactive user
Non, je suis tres desole.
Vous avez 21 ans et j'ai 17 ans.
Je cherche les gens de 16 a 18
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2012
Haha, was that really so hard? xD See, I knew it!

And that's great - gives me a bit of a break from trying to force my knowledge of the French language back into the frontal lobes of my brain xD I haven't used it this much in, oh, two years? :D
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