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Christopher Yoon, 27 y.o.
Manila, Philippines [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 161.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2012
yeaaa.,. chicken chicken chicken.. hey what's the best traditional korean chicken recipe you think?
I like pepes ayam, it's an Indonesian traditional food. the chicken is seasoned before you place it in a layer of banana leaf and wrap it with the banan leaf. :) it's really good, u know? :D if you go here, just tell me and I'll cook for u!:D
it's kinda fun if it's in a small size but if it's a great earthquake.. it's not nice at all! X(
it feels like moving your body to the left and right but actually you're not moving
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2012
:D I love both of them actually, cannot pick one :D
yea yea yea.. :D what's your favorite meat? me:pork.. they are awesome -o- :D
oww.. okay! thanks! :D
yea.. and last sunday an earthquake happened here, in Jakarta, but I didn't feel it, too busy.. sleeping XD hey, have u experienced an earthquake? me.. I have, years ago, I was in my car, with my driver on the way back from school, and it was the first time I experienced an earthquake
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2012
I cannot eat vegetables only for 40 days, I HAVE to eat meat. XD
I added u :)
It's not in the province where I live actually, it's in another province: Aceh, which is located near singapore. it's really bad there, no electrcity, and the worst thing is that the hospital is fully loaded so they have to bring some patients out of the hospital and treat them there :( I really grieve for them.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2012
oww... so long :o
for us, christians it's only sunday
yea.. thanks :)
messy? what do you mean? :o
okay.. I'll add u now :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2012
ow? catholics do that too? :0
yea.. thanks.. btw I have finished mu school final exams, and on april 23rd I'm having my national final test.. oh.. iut's frustrating -.-
oww... chat with me!! what's ur skype or YM or MSN? :D I'll add u! :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2012
YEA! I was kinda happy.. XD
It's a holiday for Hindu people to stay at home, and not to make such loud voices. they usually pray :)
and tomorrow is holiday, again, for easter XD
Btw sorry I haven't reply u for a long time, cuz I have many many tests to do and I just finished my School final exams which scores will be written in my graduation certificate.. :/ I wish I'll see the number 9 all over my certificate :/
hey, how're u doin ? :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2012
yeaaa :D:D:D:D:D I still can't forget that.. XD
NOT DIRECTLY! I just drank from their water bottle and it was a coincidence :/
So the story's like this:
My friend got a water bottle which belongs to one of b2st's member and he already drink it. Then, after a few minutes I felt really super thirsty, then I said this: "I'll drink this pls"
Then I grab it fast and drink it. My friend was shocked and was angry with me for a few moments, then she tell me that it's one of b2st member's water bottle that has been used.. XP gosh.. T.T
Yea,, tomorrow is vacation, because it's "nyepi" holiday. do u know bout it? :/
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2012
oww. haha nice! :D
u know I went to b2utiful show yesterday and it was A LOT OF FUN! :D
I kissed them indirectly.. XD I'll tell u later..
yeaaa.... my scores are improving! :D
ow!!!! I envy you... :(
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2012
oww... how many have u done? :/
yeaa :DD
Hey, I just finished my MID semester test, and next week it's already semester test :s I hate senior year.. >.<
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2012
distracted? hmmm... by what? :/
thanks :D I need that a lot.. hehe..
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